SkySong 6
Building Overview
1485 N. Scottsdale Rd.
SkySong 6 will be the next building to be constructed at SkySong. Project architects, Butler Design, Group have created cutting-edge design concepts and renderings for the new building, which will have an imposing presence at the hard corner of Scottsdale and McDowell Roads. A key differentiator of SkySong 6 will be 55,000 square foot floor plates — the largest floor plates built along Scottsdale Road in the past 20 years.
The approximately 340,000 square foot building SkySong 6 building, features floor-to-ceiling glass windows facing out to the intersection of Scottsdale and McDowell Roads. A large public space will be located on the corner, with a second-story balcony overlooking the area. Construction of SkySong 6 will also include a new parking structure to serve the two newest buildings. SkySong 6 will be integrated into the project with significant pedestrian and bike connections designed to promote health and wellness, outdoor gathering and meeting spaces and other state-of-the-art features.
Future Facilities
SkySong, The ASU Scottsdale Innovation Center will feature more than 1.2 million square feet of developed space – and potentially more – at full buildout.
As a result of the project’s exceptional planning and flexibility, a variety of options exist for future build-to-suit construction at SkySong.
Potential build-to-suit opportunities could range from a minimum of 30,000 square feet to as much as 600,000 square feet depending on the needs of the user.
Additionally, we’re proud to announce new retail and restaurant opportunities at SkySong at the corner of Scottsdale Road and SkySong Boulevard.

For Leasing Information:
R. Craig Coppola, CCIM, SIOR, CRE
Andrew S. Cheney, CCIM, SIOR, CRE
Gregg Kafka, CCIM
Lee & Associates Phoenix
Phone: 602.956.7777